Speeding is Dangerous. Eliminate it from Your Fleet.
Operation Safe Driver Week is the perfect time to put your focus on speeding. Everyone knows it’s happening, but what can you do about it? Unfortunately, until now, you’ve never had a tool to actually see it. But with video, you get insights into WHY your drivers are speeding. By seeing speeding, you can eliminate it from your fleet.
Coach It.
You need to take action to change performance. In-cab alerts, insightful video, intuitive online dashboards and a proven coaching workflow enable you to intervene in a timely manner with driving skill improvement strategies that make a difference. By seeing video and coaching your drivers on techniques to eliminate bad habits, you see results and improve your fleet’s performance.
Measure It.
With video and customized data options, you can quickly view critical information at both site and company levels, measure your results and know where to extend your efforts to reduce speeding and potential collisions throughout your fleet.
“Since adoption, the fleet has achieved a 37% improvement in its SmartDrive safety score, and has reduced speeding by 89%. As a result of coaching drivers to reduce speed, hard braking and other fuel-wasting habits, the company has also achieved a 1.7% increase in miles driven per gallon.” – Alabama Motor Express
Stop It.
By identifying speeding, coaching your drivers to improve their driving skills and measuring your results, you’ll stop speeding and improve your fleet’s performance. You’ll drive down incidents, while minimizing overall risks, exposure and costs. Most importantly, you’ll ensure that your drivers come home safely and improve your bottom line.
Know the Risks of Speeding … and Eliminate Them from Your Fleet!
Learn the risks, educate your fleet and protect your drivers by downloading our latest resources.
- Posted by Melissa.Senoff@smartdrive.net
- On 17 July 2019