Why LSO was Ready for a Video-Based Safety Program

LSO, formerly Lone Star Overnight, has adopted the SmartDrive video-based safety program. LSO, which delivers throughout the Southwest and Mexico, selected SmartDrive technology as part of its commitment to enhance the company’s safety program. Since implementing the SmartDrive program, LSO has improved its safety score by 47 percent and identified key areas to focus driver training.

Why the SmartDrive® program is the Smart Choice for Lone Star Overnight

LSO utilizes the SmartDrive system and references video footage during driver trainings to address issues and recognize drivers that have demonstrated good driving skills. After LSO deployed the SmartDrive program at one of its sites, they were able to lower the risks that are key leading indicators of collisions – seatbelt compliance improved by 100 percent, while mobile phone usage and texting were reduced by 90 percent and 69 percent respectively. Excessive speeding issues were cut in half, while incomplete stops were lowered by 82 percent and unsafe following decreased by 77 percent.

Improved Safety Score
Improved Seat Belt Compliance
Reduction in Mobile Phone Usage
Reduction in Incomplete Stops
“In addition to being easy-to-use, SmartDrive’s video safety program helps us identify and address high risk areas, including cell phone usage, driver fatigue, rolling stops and seatbelt compliance. Armed with this information, we were able to quickly and productively engage drivers on areas for improvement and measure the results with easy-to-understand, easy-to-act-on key performance metrics.”
– Steve Hendon, Safety & Compliance Manager

Maximizing the Value of their Investment

LSO drivers continue to see the benefits of SmartDrive video-based technology, already exonerating drivers from calls reported via the company’s complaint line. Additionally, the system has helped identify driver fatigue issues, capturing risky nighttime driving and providing video for further coaching and training.

Learn More About Video-Based Safety for Your Fleet