Why Clariant Oil was Ready for a Video-Based Solution

Clariant Oil Services adopted the SmartDrive® program to be proactive in its driver safety efforts with the goal to prevent accidents before they occur. With the use of SmartDrive, Clariant is confident that its fleet of drivers will continue their commitment to safe operation while providing greater transparency to driver behaviors. With the hands-on support of the SmartDrive implementation team and open communication with drivers, the Clariant fleet experienced a smooth onboarding process, further validating the decision to move forward with the leading video safety solution.

“Because of its intuitive design and ease of use, the SmartDrive coaching dashboard and driver scorecards allow us to instantaneously coach drivers on needed skills as part of a continuous improvement program. There is no doubt the SmartDrive program is taking our fleet safety to the next level.”

Dane Dorval, Regional Operations Manager, Clariant

Why the SmartDrive Program Is the Smart Choice for Clariant

Clariant knew that it did not want just cameras. It wanted a measurement and benchmarking tool that makes its drivers safer and protects both the company’s assets and the public. In addition, with a unified view of driver performance and actionable insight into risk, Clariant managers can coach drivers to improve safety skills, as well as reduce fuel consumption – improving operational results companywide.

Based on discussions with current SmartDrive customers for references and reviewing the program’s proven track record of results, Clariant management decided to forego a pilot program and install the SmartDrive Transportation Intelligence Platform with SR4 hardware across its North American Oil Services fleet of approximately 400 vehicles. The company recognized the hardware’s extremely flexible design and easy integration with other systems and devices, future-proofing Clariant’s investment as the company grows and needs evolve. Knowing that the company would not have to replace hardware each time they want to upgrade the program was another advantage.

“We know that a majority of collisions involving a truck are not the commercial driver’s fault. Technology like the SmartDrive video-based program can help create factual accident reports, thus eliminating those ‘he said/she said’ situations.”

Dane Dorval, Regional Operations Manager, Clariant

Learn More About Video-Based Safety for Your Fleet